Meanderings of a Mad Markin

Welcome Mike. A lot of the fans who already know you have come to fear and respect you, but could you tell those of us who don't know you a little about what your role was in the production of Battlezone?

Well, my primary responsibility was to order dinner every night. I did not do a very good job of that so I got shifted to the screen shot and paperwork department.

Also, I answer many crazy questions from people with strange names. I also spent the entire project trying to get my car into the game. And sometimes late at night I would whisper "space orb" into Ken's ear.

The sweet love for Battlezone has been just pouring and pouring in... What do you think of the phenomenal reviews that Battlezone has been getting?

I think that it is just dandy. We think that Battlezone is really a fantastic game, but you always think that about your game no matter how bad it is. It is truly a wonderful, heart-warming experience to work on something for so long and then to find out that other people think that it is as great as you think that it is. Every time we got a review, we would think that it could not get any better and then the next one would be even higher. Getting 5 stars from CGW just really made us all proud!

What were some of the challenges that you faced personally in creating the Action Strategy masterpiece that we have today?

Going home was a big problem. The earlier that I wanted to go home the later I would. Towards the end I had to promise myself that I would never say "I think I'll go home early today" Once I said that, I'd never get to go home. And at 3AM there is absolutely NOTHING on TV but infomercials. (Although I bought all kinds of great stuff.)

Why was it important for Activision to secure the rights to the original Battlezone name?

I don't think that it was important, but once we started talking about it we all really wanted it. We all played Battlezone as kids and the idea of making a modern version that would be every bit as revolutionary now as Battlezone was then was just too cool! It really gave us something to strive for. We just kept thinking that we had to try hard to live up to the name.

Now, could you tell us a little about some of your favorite toys in your office?

Without a doubt, my favorite toy is Vac-Man. If you do not have one of these things you really should get one. It is the most fantastic thing on the planet! You stretch him out and then you attach a pump to his head and suck all the air out of him which causes him to hold his shape.

What do you think about the intense community that has built up around Battlezone?

I think it is just fantastic. It really shows us that we have game that is not only fun to play, but is a really revolutionary product. I've tried to be really open and answer all the e-mails and talk in IRC so I can share in the joy that you all feel about Battlezone.

I've got one word for you boyeeee, NARC! What does NARC mean to you, markin?

NARC is like the coolest arcade game ever created! Way ahead of it's time and really fun. I worked on the NES version about 50 years ago.

Tell us a little about the other games you have worked on besides NARC?

Well, I was the Producer of Die Hard Trilogy which was kind of fun. And when I was at Acclaim I worked on a whole bucketload of Wrestling games. Next time I see you I'll show you how to bodyslam. Heh.

Battlezone is definitely the best game that I have ever worked on.

How much different is the Voodoo 2 enhanced version? I mean, the graphics in BZ are already pretty smokin', what more love could you guys put in there??

Some of the changes are small, but they make a BIG difference. My favorite is the new explosions, which totally ROCK! Not only does it look better, but if you are near an explosion you get thrown around for a sec. Also, there is new ground fog on Mars that looks really cool.

The best thing is that we have taken all of those changes and turned them into a patch so that everyone who bought the original game can enjoy them.

I know you have a very smoothe ride, Markin. Why don't you tell us a little about your car!

I have 2 cars. My current ride to work is a silver 1994 RX-7. It has 255 twin-turbo HP, and goes from zero to work in 10minutes. I also have a red 1987 RX-7 Turbo 2 which has been slightly modified. 8-) Slightly...

(There is a rumor that if you press the right keys the tanks all turn into RX-7's).

So what are the plans for the future Mike? Got anything in the pipeline that you can let us know about?

I'll, probably just spend more time answering questions on the forum. Other than that, who knows!

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Battlezone is a trademark of Atari/JTS Corporation ©: 1980, 1997 Atari/JTS Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed by Activision.