Production Team Interviews
Each week we fill in a few more pieces of the Big Battlezone Puzzle. And each new piece brings you a new production team interview! This week's interview appears beneath the puzzle. To read previous interviews, click on the team member's name in the list below or click a head in the picture. Find out how each team member contributed to the overall project and helped bring Battlezone all together into one great action strategy masterpiece!
Will Rosas Ken Miller Jerry Waldorf Brad Pickering George 'The California Kid' Collins Mike Arkin Matthew Paul Linus Chen Andrew Goldman Robert DePalma
[George Collins] - [Brad Pickering] - [Jerry Waldorf] - [Ken Miller]

[Robert DePalma] [Andrew Goldman] - [Will Rosas]

[Matthew Paul] - [Mike Arkin] - [Linus Chen]

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battlezone is a trademark of Atari/JTS Corporation ©: 1980, 1997 Atari/JTS Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed by Activision.