Jerry Waldorf Cometh

Welcome Jerry! My name's Loomer! It's really nice to meet you. I know this may sound strange, but, can we be friends?

No! On the Internet, no one knows you're really a dog.

What was your role in the development of Battlezone?

Network Programmer.

If you were to compare yourself to a beverage, what beverage would it be and why? Please don't say Kool-Aid, cause that would be my choice!

Water, just plain water. Well actually more like water with a dash of lemon. Yea I really like that. A glass of water with a small slice of lemon floating on top. That reminds me of a story. Back when I was in the jungles of Peru. There was this small store... Oh I see I am supposed to compare myself with a beverage. Not talk about my favorite beverage. Hmmm this is tough. I guess I would have to say Water.

What was the toughest challenge or hardest obstacle to overcome when programming Battlezone?


Does Mike Arkin scare you like he scares me? He is definitely a disturbed little boy!!

Well, actually Mike Arkin is really a disturbed little girl. He wasn't born that way, but with the advent of modern medicine anything is possible. And yes he scares everyone.

There is definitely a lack of Programmer role models on TV. Would you like to see a sitcom based on the life of a Programmer so that the kids don't learn about it on the streets?


What do you think about the debate that video games are too violent? Doesn't that just make you want to get out a Rave Gun and kill everyone in sight?!

Actually the Rave Gun does not really kill. It rather rapidly transports the targets matter to a parallel universe where the person is then tortured with instruments of horror.

What do you think sets Battlezone apart from the other games out on the market?

The store clerk who stocks the shelves probably is the one that sets the games apart. Otherwise they would be all crowded together.

What do you see in the future of computer games?

Bigger explosions! Also voice interaction with units in the game, voice interaction with other players in multiplayer games; more players in multiplayer games; larger battlefields; But mainly bigger explosions.

Also, would you like to see a Battlezone 2?


Lastly, do you ever get code envy when looking at other people's work?

Actually, everyone says size doesn't matter. But I know they are deceiving me. It all goes back to my mother. Let me tell you about my mother. Well actually I probably shouldn't get into that right now.


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