Robert DePalma

Hi Robert, welcome to the 'big show'! First could you start off by telling us a little about what you did in the development of Battlezone?

I was responsible for texture mapping all vehicles and buildings in the game.

Could you briefly explain the process of making a 3d model in a game such as Battlezone?

You have to start with just a cube and from there you can add faces as you make it more complex. It's the only way to keep the models under 150 polygons or less.

If you were able to pick your favorite detail or feature in Battlezone, what would it be and why?

All the animations on the vehicles and buildings.

What other 3D games do you admire? Also do you scope out some of the other games on the market and model your work after theirs?

Doom and Quake - also all the cool artwork in Mist and Riven

Do you think that there will be a trend toward 3d Real-Time strategy games in the future?

Most definitely.

What is your least favorite ingredient in trail mix? I personally don't like the dried bananas. Those are Nazty!

I agree.

What kinda music gets you into a 3d kinda mood?

Movie soundtracks.

Do you ever sit back and say, "Damn.. I get paid to make games! That kicks ass!" I know I sure would!

All the time.

It seems that artists are in high demand in the computer gaming industry. What would you recommend to the aspiring game addict to crack their way into corporate video gaming production?

Learn Photoshop and some good 3D modeler like Max or Softimage. Start creating your own images and keep sending your promos to as many companies as you can find. At the end you will find one that is desperately looking for people and they might be willing to hire somebody with little experience. Good luck.

Finally, Battlezone has received quite a bit of critical acclaim from the press, media, fans... does this help you sleep better at night knowing that you were apart of the whole crazy process of making games?

I was happy to work with a very professional team.

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