Andrew Goldman!

Welcome Andrew to what is lovingly referred to as the Looming Inquisision! Take a seat there, and lets get started! First off we usually start by asking the person the technical details.. you know like what you did on Battlezone... who you are... where you worked.. your PIN number for your ATM.. yknow.. so why not fill us in?

I was the Director which meant I was responsible for managing the overall creative process of making Battlezone. I also had to make sure that Mike had enough toys in his office to entertain his guests and to ensure that they were all child safe.

Ok, I ask alot of people on the team this question, but It is always nice to hear everyone's individual respone.. and not the corporate one that the web team have memorized. Battlezone has been receiving so much sweet love from all the computer magazines, online mags, the fans, and also and probably more importantly my little brother. What do you think of the phenominal reaction to BZ?

I didn't realize that this had gotten as far as your little brother. That truly puts this over the edge into the realm of a phenomenal reaction. I've had a ton of fun with Battlezone, and it is insanely gratifying to hear that other people are enjoying it as much as I have.

What do you think was your most memorable experience during the creation of Battlezone?

It is hard to single out one experience that would be the most memorable. We faced a lot of hurdles in creating a first person action strategy game. In fact at the start, it seemed like everyone told the team that we would never succeed in blending action and strategy. I think the combined pressure of making the game and the challenge that people thought it could never be done, pulled the team together into this incredibly collaborative and tight knit group that I'll always remember. The final reward was hearing from all of the people who doubted the project when we released the demo. They all happily ate their words.

Do you ever look at other similar games in the RTS genre and say, man.. BZ is just way ahead of those games.

When I look at the broader RTS market, I see Battlezone as different from all of the other games that are out there. I love traditional RTS games, but they provide a different experience. As people move in a direction that competes more directly with us, then we can talk about how far ahead we are. The Battlezone team is not standing still. We've learned a ton from making this game.

Keeping in that same line, what do you think the future of RTS gaming is? I am a big proponant of RTS games, as many people know, and I think it's because of the excitement and ensuing chaotic mega struggles that can only be found in a good RTS! What do you think?

I think the future of RTS is huge. I can get lost in an RTS game for hours and not even realize how much time has passed. The raw game play dynamics - "the chaotic mega struggles" - it is just so much damn fun. Battlezone and TA have shown that the future is 3D. I think there is a long way to go in building out the game play for 3D worlds. AI is going to need to get much much better.

Did you know that it is illegal to slam your car door in Switzerland? That's pretty strange huh?

how about chewing gum in Singapore?

Out of all the features of Battlezone, which one are you most proud of? What feature makes you go, "Damn.. I'm so swank, I thought of that myself... and look there it is in the game... and it totally kicks ass!"

The interface was always the biggest challenge, and I'm incredibly proud of the solution that we came up with.

There has been a big push in the industry to recreate some of the classic games of the past. What do you think about the entire renovation process of older games? And also, wouldn't you just love to see a Dig Dug 3d? That would Rox0r!!

Remaking Battlezone was a dream job, but we made the choice to remake it in a way that really added to the classic game. I hope that as people remake other classics, they'll do more than just shovel them in a box… I'd love to see River Raid.

Do you ever find yourself going down to Mike's office just to play with Vacuum man? Are there any other toys in Mike's office that are cool?

Just the other day I was playing with Mike's Stretch Armstrong. The thing snapped and went flying across the office smacking him in the face. He got a black eye, which was okay because he thought it was really funny. But then he had a date that night. A date that he had been looking forward to for about a month. When he went to pick her up, she was frightened by the black eye and ran into her house never to be heard from again. Needless to say, I'm not allowed in Mike's office anymore let alone to play with any of the toys.

Finally, as we wrap this up, is there anything you would like to say to all the BZ around the world?

I'll see yah in the chaotic mega struggle.

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Battlezone is a trademark of Atari/JTS Corporation ©: 1980, 1997 Atari/JTS Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed by Activision.